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What topics are you interested in reading about in Amish Country Chit Chat?
Places to eat?
Places to stay?
Amish lifestyle?
Off the beaten track?

How has the cost of gasoline affected your travel plans to Ohio Amish Country?
I had no plans to go to OAC
I cancelled plans to go to OAC
I shortened my stay in OAC
I did not make any change of plans

Gasoline Poll put up in 2006
A Project For the Whole Family
Ohio Amish Country  - Easy to Find, Hard to Forget!
Watching & Learning
3 Horse Power
Gasoline Poll May, 2008

With gas prices at $3.50+ per gallon, how has it affected your plans to go to Ohio Amish Country?
I had no plans to go to OAC
I cancelled plans to go to OAC
I shortened my stay in OAC
I did not make any change of plans